Makale arşivi

Şeker hastalığı ameliyatı nedir

19.05.2016 23:11
30 yılı aşkın bir zamandır yaygın olarak çeşitli şişmanlık ameliyatı tüm dünyada yapılmaktadır. Bu ameliyatların bir kısmı mide hacmini kısıtlamaya yönelik olanlar (tüp mide gibi..) veya emilimi azaltmaya yönelik ince bağırsağın bir kısmını devre dışı bırakan ameliyatlardır (gastrik bypass gibi)....

Şeker hastalığı ameliyatı kimlere uygulanmaktadır?

17.05.2016 23:14
Şeker hastalarının ameliyatı Dünya Diyabet Federasyonu ve NİH in önerileri ile sadece şişman tip 2 şeker hastalarına yapılmaktadır. Bu konuda her gün yüzlerce bilimsel çalışma yayınlanmaktadır. Son zamanlarda Amerikan ulusal sağlık enstitüsü bu konudaki tedavi klavuzlarını değiştirdi; ‘’cerrahiyi...

Şeker hastalığı ameliyatı nasıl yapılmaktadır?

15.05.2016 23:16
Bu ameliyat şişmanlık ameliyatları gibi laparoskopik yani kapalı olarak yapılabilmektedir. Genel anestezi altında yapılmaktadır, yaklaşık 3-5 saat süren bir işlemdir. Karna açılan deliklerden girilen aletlerle yapılabilmektedir. Bu ameliyatta yapılan işlem en basit hali ile midenin küçültülmesi ve...

Management of a Septic Open Abdomen Patient with Spontaneous Jejunal Perforation after Emergent C/S with Confounding Factor of Mild Acute Pancreatitis

15.05.2016 18:19
AbstractIntroduction. We report the management of a septic Open Abdomen (OA) patient by the help of negative pressure therapy (NPT) and abdominal reapproximation anchor (ABRA) system in pregnant woman with spontaneous jejunal perforation after emergent cesarean section (C/S) with confounding factor...

Delayed Closure of 61 Open Abdomen Patients Based On an Algorithm Indian

15.05.2016 18:12
AbstractHemodynamic resuscitation, source control, and delayed abdominal closure are the three fundamental steps for open abdomen (OA) management. When to start delayed abdominal closure and how to determine which delayed closure method should be applied to each OA patient are not clarified in the...

Management of Septic Open Abdomen in a Morbid Obese Patient with Enteroatmospheric Fistula by Using Standard Abdominal Negative Pressure Therapy in Conjunction with Intrarectal One

15.05.2016 18:06
AbstractIntroduction. Management of open abdomen (OA) with enteroatmospheric fistula (EAF) in morbid obese patient with comorbid disease is challenging. We would like to report the management of septic OA in morbid obese patient with EAF which developed after strangulated recurrent giant incisional...

Treatment of delayed jejunal perforation after irreducible femoral hernia repair with open abdomen management and delayed abdominal closure with skin flap approximation

15.05.2016 18:00
AbstractIntroductionWe show the management of a delayed jejunal perforation, after irreducible femoral hernia operation with the help of negative pressure therapy (NPT) and delayed abdominal closure (DAC) with skin flap approximation in an elderly woman for the first time in the...

The Reversal of Stoma Following Open Abdomen Management

15.05.2016 17:46
Fahri Yetişir...AbstractBowel stoma formation is very often required during open abdomen (OA) management; we aim to report our stoma reversal series following OA management retrospectively. A retrospective analysis of 31 patients who underwent the reversal of the stoma created during OA management...

Management of Necrotizing Fasciitis and Fecal Peritonitis following Ostomy Necrosis and Detachment by Using NPT and Flexi-Seal

15.05.2016 17:39
AbstractManagement of necrotizing fasciitis and severe faecal peritonitis following ostomy in elderly patient with comorbid disease is challenging. We would like to report management of frozen Open Abdomen (OA) with colonic fistula following ostomy necrosis and detachment in an elderly patient with...

A giant perforated meckel’s diverticulum with daughter and Grand-daughter diverticula treated by VAC therapy: A case report. Slywan journal 2014;158(10):21-7.

15.05.2016 17:29
Fahri Yetişir...AbstractMeckel’s diverticulum (MD) results from incomplete involution of the proximal portion of the vitelline duct. Meckel’s diverticulum (MD) is considered the most common congenital anomaly of the gastrointestinal tract. Most cases are asymptomatic, It may result in a number of...
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